Extending our Deadline to sponsor blind moonbear


Hello Everyone!!! Happy almost Valentines Day!!! I am writing to again thank those who joined the MOONBEAR cause on Facebook which is a page which I started a couple of weeks ago to help network and spread the word to get new folks to visit Pandarazzi…..  and I appreciate all the recruiting as well!!!!

I  have some jewelry incentives in place for recruitments and donations of over 50.00 to our blind Moonbear.  Those who already donated 50.00 will receive their special jewelry gift as soon as our $600.00 goal is reached.  Facebook members who recruited (get their FB friends to join the CAUSE) 20 or more members received a 20% off coupon for anything on my jewelry website during this promotion!!!!

Our total in the fund is at 450.00 (thanks to new donators)  of the 600.00 we need to sponsor our blind moonbear. Alice Ng at Animals Asia will be sending us photos and a background story about the moonbear I chose for us to sponsor very soon.

I had thought if we didn’t get to our total by tomorrow  ( our original deadline)  I could chip in the balance but I think the best thing to do would be to extend the deadline to my birthday on May 12.

This will just give more people the chance to help us recruit and educate in the meantime. The incentives still will remain in place until the goal of 600.00 is reached. Donate at the PANDARAZZI BLOG via Paypal or contact me at [email protected] to arrange a payment method


You can read about the recent rescue of moonbear’s from a bile farm by Animals Asia here at JILLS BLOG:

The money I am fundraising for the one blind moonbear helps keep the general funds rolling into the rescue efforts. By giving our sponsored moonbear food, medical care, and upkeep money…..the staff can go about saving more of these gentle little bears from a tragic life of suffering in cages too small for their bodies.

Thank you all sooooooooo much for your support.  Below is our list of donators so far!!! You guys rock!!


THANK YOU DONATORS… We have 550.00 of 600.00 needed for goal

You can donate from 10.00 on up towards our moonbear on my blog. https://pandarazzi.com

Your name will be added to this list as well as on our moonbear’s webpage journal


Gayle DiCesare in memory of Puffin

Elise Ney again!!
Kristin Schunckle
Gregory Gerhardt
Eunice Messer
Lori Love
Marcus Tress
Deb Hethorn
Dania Gerhardt
Lucas Bally
Elise Ney
Gayle DiCesare
Sandra Miller

Valentines Day moonbear hugs!!






You guys…I recently discovered an incredible new way of watching wildlife LIVE from Africa and I can hardly stay away from this website.  It is called WILDEARTH.TV

I recorded a few minutes of live streaming video from last night’s game drive (BELOW) and a bit from this morning (ABOVE) to give you the general idea of how personalized this cutting-edge game drive concept is!!

The audio last night was having problems but usually is very easy to understand

The website even has a 24-hour cam aimed at a watering hole so when everyone in Africa is sleeping and the night creatures are out…you can see them LIVE!! Yesterday I got to watch 3 hyenas bathing in the watering hole. LIVE!!!

To top it off, every member of this FREE service gets a personal webpage and there is live chat open during the game drives with the viewers as well as immediate interaction with the driver, tracker, and camera operator on the vehicle.  It’s very hard to describe.  You just need to drop in and visit for yourself.

Below is from the WildEarth website to help fill you in on what it’s all about.


Welcome to our world. WildEarth (WE) is a LIVE wildlife broadcaster. We broadcast from Djuma Game Reserve, which is a Big 5 reserve next door to the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Every morning (06h00 CAT (Central African Time)) and again at 16h30, WE go out on a LIVE presenter lead safari. At 09h00 every weekday WE do a LIVE bush walk and on Sunday nights at 19h30 WE site around the fire and discuss the week’s events.
We are on a mission to show the world what the wildlife of Africa is really like. To show our friends (that’s why WE are WE) what the reality of Karula the leopardess’s day is, to introduce Wonky the elephant to the world, to explore Mojo the white-tailed mongoose’s territory with him. You see wildlife on the African plain is not about lions killing and elephants charging (although that happens) it’s about the gentle rhythm of connected life, including us.
Please take a look at our website; www.wildearth.tv explore our Facebook page, subscribe to our Blog at https://wildearth.tv/blog/ become one of our friends.
Then when you are ready to become a member of our cause here, maybe help promote us, maybe help get us some PR, maybe donate some money so that WE can buy Google ads and build a groundswell of understanding … it’s in your nature.


